Ehls, DanielDanielEhlsGordon, Adam VigdorAdam VigdorGordonHerstatt, CorneliusCorneliusHerstattRohrbeck, ReneReneRohrbeck2022-02-182022-02-182022-01-17IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (2): 483-492 (2022-04-01) papers in this special section focus on strategic foresight and innovation management. Strategic foresight develops perspectives and practices that anticipate transformational change and prepares organization to navigate them. It develops capabilities that enable decision-makers see and evaluate future situations so as to better consider alternative courses of actions and the future outcomes of their choices. As a research stream, strategic foresight has existed for more than 70 years. During this time, evaluation of the field has documented how the use of strategic foresight to form strategy under uncertainty has enabled organizations to create superior positions in future markets or to advance societal goals.en0018-9391IEEE transactions on engineering management20222483492WirtschaftGuest Editorial: Foresight in Strategy and Innovation ManagementJournal Article10.1109/TEM.2021.3077342Other