Autexier, SergeSergeAutexierHutter, DieterDieterHutterLangenstein, BrunoBrunoLangensteinMantel, HeikoHeikoMantelRock, GeorgGeorgRockSchairer, AxelAxelSchairerStephan, WernerWernerStephanVogt, RolandRolandVogtWolpers, AndreasAndreasWolpers2022-11-142022-11-142000International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 3 (1): 66-77 (2000) Verification Support Environment (VSE) is a tool to formally specify and verify complex systems. It provides the means to structure specifications and supports the development process from the specification of a system to the automatic generation of code. Formal developments following the VSE method are stored and maintained in an administration system that guides the user and maintains a consistent state of development. An integrated deduction system provides proof support for the deduction problems arising during the development process. We describe the application of VSE to an industrial case study and give an overview of the enhanced VSE system and the VSE methodology.en1433-2787International journal on software tools for technology transfer200016677SpringerAutomated theorem provingCompositionalityFormal software developmentInteractive theorem provingModular proof developmentTemporal logicInformatikVSE: formal methods meet industrial needsJournal Article10.1007/s100099900022Other