Ruan, YajieYajieRuanDüngen, MoniqueMoniqueDüngenRohling, HermannHermannRohling2023-02-222023-02-222011-07-22IET Communications 5 (11): 1491-1496 (2011-07-22) digital transmission over cable wires, such as in very-high-speed digital subscriber line 2 systems, applies the discrete multitone technique in combination with a bit-loading procedure. The crosstalk interference among the different cables inside a binder is the major performance degradation in the systems. Different crosstalk cancellation schemes considering computation complexity as well as the quality-of-service (QoS) aspect have been investigated to improve the system performance. Nowadays, driven by the newest high-layer applications the QoS requirements are more critical and a dynamic situation happening quite often in reality has to be considered. In this situation, new active cable lines might significantly influence the existing running lines in terms of achieved data rates. Therefore a successive crosstalk cancellation scheme is presented in this study to deal with the dynamic situation. The performance degradation because of the new active lines is predicted. Based on the prediction a line-independent partial cancellation with successive procedure is performed until the QoS requirements are fulfilled again. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.en1751-8636IET Communications20111114911496IETTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenSuccessive crosstalk cancellation facing the dynamic situation in very-high-speed digital subscriber line 2 systemsJournal Article10.1049/iet-com.2010.0311Other