Hanna, MichaelMichaelHannaKrause, DieterDieterKrause2019-12-132019-12-132017-09Understand, Innovate, and Manage your Complex System! -19th International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, (DSM 2017): 127-136http://hdl.handle.net/11420/4105In the aircraft cabin industry, methods for developing modular product families (such as the Integrated PKT-Approach) are ideal for meeting individual customer demands while maintaining low number of components. However, the information required for modularization is often not presented traceable. A modelbased approach can support the development of modular and variant product family concepts. This paper presents a procedure for modeling the method unit Design for Variety from the Integrated PKT-Approach for developing modular product families. Tools and required information are presented in SysML. The example of an entrance area of an aircraft cabin shows how Design for Variety tools can be modeled and which information is required. With the support of Cameo software, a concept was developed.enAerospace case studySystem engineeringVariant product developmentTechnology::600: TechnologyModel-based support for product family designConference PaperConference Paper