Luderer, OliverOliverLudererThielecke, FrankFrankThielecke2022-12-162022-12-162022-0933rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2022, Stockholm, Sweden, 4-9 September, 2022. - Art. no. 0080 (2022) this paper, a hybrid loads observer for the estimation of aircraft maneuver and gust loads is extended to account for propeller-wing-interaction induced loads using the subscale test aircraft Wingfinity-BL as an example. For this purpose, the results of the well-established program XROTOR are used as inputs of a simplified physically motivated interaction model. Subsequently, the model is corrected by linear terms to approximate the induced wing lift from preliminary wind tunnel experiments. The physical part of the loads observer is implemented as a Luenberger observer based on a low-fidelity non-linear flight dynamics model with strip aerodynamics and a structural loads model. It's physical basis allows for the simple integration of the derived interaction-model. Thereby, the use of low-fidelity models in the Luenberger observer offers the potential to significantly reduce the development time. However, this naturally increases the estimation error, as the validation with wind tunnel data shows. To account for the remaining error, a data-driven correction model is used based on the results of a 1-DOF wind tunnel test of a true to scale wing. It is shown that despite the use of low-fidelity models, a characteristically low complexity of the correction model can be realized within the hybrid observer. Moreover, the validation shows that a high accuracy of the loads estimation is still achieved. In a direct comparison with a purely data-driven observer, the advantages of the physical part in the hybrid observer become apparent, especially in the area of extrapolation.enTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenValidation of a hybrid loads observer for a subscale test aircraft with distributed electric propulsionConference Paper Paper