Krause, DieterDieterKrauseRipperda, SebastianSebastianRipperda2020-04-272020-04-272013ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 4 (2013). - Seite 31-40 competition and the trend to individualized products force companies to lower their internal variety, which can be achieved through modular product structures. The literature comprises a wide range of approaches to support the development of modular product families. A selection of significant methods are investigated and evaluated. The method Integrated PKT-Approach for Developing Modular Product Families developed at the Institute of Product Development and Mechanical Engineering Design (PKT) is also characterized. This approach was developed based on the existing literature and approaches and further experience from industrial practice. It integrates aspects of design for variety with technical-functional and product-strategic modularization methods. The methodical approach, as well as its relevance and development, is explained in addition to the literature review. © 2013 The Design Society, unless otherwise stated.enDesign for xIntegrated product developmentProduct architectureProduct familiesProduct structuringTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenAn assessment of methodical approaches to support the development of modular product familiesConference PaperOther