2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/38897Marco Belloli, born in Bergamo March 25th 1973, is a full professor at Dipartimento di Meccanica of Politecnico di Milano, Milano. Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics obtained at Politecnico di Milano in 2004, after joining the Dipartimento di Meccanica in December 2002 as an Assistant Professor. Main areas of interests are wind engineering, fluid-structure interaction of civil engineering structures, vortex induced vibrations, structural dynamics, passive structural control, monitoring of full scale structures, wind energy and sports aerodynamics, as well as, dynamic behaviour of machines with reference to vibrations suppression systems. Wind engineering: Marco has been involved in a very large number of experimental tests regarding base and applied research. Base research, in particular, focused on the definition of the pressure and the force field acting on a cylinder, when still, moving and also in bundle arrangements. Applied research’s main focus is on bridges and buildings. Some of the most relevant projects Marco participated into are Messina Bridge Project, First Bosphorus Bridge Revamping, Third Bosphorus Bridge, Forth Replacement Crossing Bridge, Swan River Bridge, Canakkale 1915. Marco also worked in complex projects on very high and slender buildings such as the building of Regione Piemonte in Turin, the Pelli Spire in Milan, the Aesthetic Arch and the Italia Building for the 2015 Expo in Milan; he was involved also in wind engineering for large roofs and stadium covering, Stavros Narchios Cultural Centre in Athens, Juventus Stadium, MBR Stadium in Dubai and Al Wakrah Stadium di Qatar among the others. Wind Energy: More recent projects concern experimental and numerical studies on wind turbines to develop techniques to test scaled models in a boundary layer wind tunnel. The research focuses on developing testing devices to simulate the hydro dynamics of floating wind turbine by means of mechanical system.. On this subject, Marco was the local coordinator of the MIUR financed research project PRIN 08 “AEROGEN Tower structures for large power Wind Turbines: New technologies on and off-shore”. From 2014 Marco coordinates the Politecnico’s research team working on the OC5 benchmark for comparison and validation of numerical models of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Since June 2015 he is the local coordinator of EU H2020 projects: LIFES50+, COREWIND, THE BLUE GROWTH FARM. He is the training coordinator of Step4Wind a MSCA ITN project on FOWTs. Sports aerodynamics: Currently managing the research team on sports aerodynamics. Research activities are performed in the wind tunnel to help athletes to improve their aero performances by optimizing position and gear in Alpine Ski, Ski Jumping, Cycling and Hand-biking. The research involved notable professional athletes, such as the Italian National Ski Team, the Croatian National Ski Team, Alex Zanardi London Paralympics Gold medallist, Elia Viviani Rio 2016 Gold Medallist. 2014-2016 Member of the Scientific Board of GVPM, Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel. 2015-2019 Member of the Steering Committee of ANIV, Italian national wind engineering association. Since Jan 2020 Member of the Scientific Board of GVPM, Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel. Since April 2020 Scientific Director of GVPM, Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel. Since Jan 2020 Member of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Politecnico di MilanoBelloli, Marco