Rump, Siegfried M.Siegfried M.Rump2021-02-052021-02-052003IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 9 (E86-A): 2357-2359 (2003) concept of an Ω-matrix was introduced by Nishi in order to estimate the number of solutions of a resistive circuit containing active elements. He gave a finite characterization by means of four conditions which are all satisfied if and only if the matrix under investigation is an Ω-matrix. In this note we show that none of the four conditions can be omitted.en1745-1337IEICE transactions2003923572359IEICEP-matrixResistive circuitΩ-matrixInformatikMathematikOn Nishi's conditions for Ω-propertyJournal ArticleOther