Diewald, RomanRomanDiewaldGerlach, BjarneBjarneGerlachEhlers, SörenSörenEhlers2020-04-142020-04-142016-07International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH (1): 435-442 (2016-07)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/5712In the design of ship structures the economic efficiency plays an increasingly important role. In this paper a method to determine the influences of many structural members on any target with relatively few finite element calculations is presented. Therefore a well-known method called Design of Experiments, whose background is explained, is utilized. As an example, this method is applied on the structure of a tanker. The created FE model is described in detail. Afterwards, the structural components having the greatest effect on the strength and the least effect on the weight are determined for bending and torsion. From these results valuable hints for structural optimization are derived.enOn the influence of primary and secondary structural members on the global strength of ship structuresConference PaperConference Paper