Haschke, HenningHenningHaschkeKonow, TobiasTobiasKonowHuber, GerdGerdHuberMorlock, MichaelMichaelMorlock2019-05-022019-05-022019-06Medical engineering & physics (68): 1-10 (2019-06)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/2387Fretting corrosion as one reason for failure of modular hip prostheses has been associated with micromotion at the head taper junction. Historically the taper diameter was reduced to improve the range of motion of the hip joint. In combination with other developments, this was accompanied by increased observations of taper fretting, possibly due to the reduced flexural rigidity of smaller tapers. The aim of the study was to investigate how the flexural rigidity of tapers influences the amount of micromotion at the head taper junction. Three different stem and two different taper designs were manufactured. Experimental testing was performed using three different activity levels with peak loads representing walking, stair climbing and stumbling. The relative motion at the head-stem taper was measured in six degrees of freedom. Micromotion was obtained by subtraction of the elastic deformation derived from monoblock and finite element analysis. Less rigid tapers lead to increased micromotion between the head and stem, enlarging the risk of fretting corrosion. The influence of the stem design on micromotion is secondary to taper design. Manufacturers should consider stiffer taper designs to reduce micromotion within the head taper junction.en1350-4533Medical engineering & physics2019110http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/Flexural rigidityMicromotionModular hip prosthesesRelative motionTaper interfaceTaper sizeMedizinInfluence of flexural rigidity on micromotion at the head-stem taper interface of modular hip prosthesesJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-882.03160810.15480/882.221610.1016/j.medengphy.2019.03.02010.15480/882.2216Other