Fröhle, PeterPeterFröhleSchüttrumpf, HolgerHolgerSchüttrumpfThorenz, FrankFrankThorenz2021-06-232021-06-232017In: Die Küste (85) Karlsruhe, 2017 risk in coastal area is the product of failure probabilities of coastal defense structures (sea dikes, dunes) and the associated damages due to flooding. Approaches and methods from flood risk analysis for rivers cannot be transferred to coastal areas due to the typical natural conditions. Objective of the BMBF-HoRisk project was to develop approaches and methods forflood risk analysis specifically for coastal areas and to apply these approaches for pilot areas and practicalflood risk management.de0452-7739Die Küste2017Hochwasserrisikomanagement für den Küstenraum (HoRisk)Journal ArticleOther