Pein, Jonas vonJonas vonPeinLippert, TristanTristanLippertLippert, StephanStephanLippertEstorff, Otto vonOtto vonEstorff2023-07-282023-07-282022-1024th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022) noise due to construction activities can reach sound pressure levels that are potentially harmful to the marine fauna. Percussive pile driving is the state-of-the-art installation technique for the foundations of offshore wind farms. The installation process leads to very high noise emissions. To protect the environment, limits have to be fulfilled for offshore pile driving noise in many countries. The assessment of the occurring sound pressure levels can be either done by numerical models or by simplified scaling methods. The scaling methods are especially useful at early stages of the planning phase, since a lot of input data that is necessary for the numerical models may not be available at that point. Within this contribution, the scalability of the relevant sound pressure levels such as the sound exposure level (SEL) and the peak sound pressure level (SPLpeak) is shown with and without the application of a big bubble curtain (BBC).enpile driving noisescaling lawsunderwater noiseScaling offshore pile driving noise: Estimating the relevant sound pressure levelsConference PaperConference Paper