Weißenfeld, ChristianChristianWeißenfeldAbdel-Maksoud, MoustafaMoustafaAbdel-Maksoud2022-01-052022-01-052021-12International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 31 (4): 395-402 (2021-12)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/11395This paper focuses on the numerical analysis of the free running maneuvers of an underwater vehicle. The maneuver behavior is analyzed via maneuvering coefficients, which are gained by free running maneuvers based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The numerical study is conducted on the generic submarine model BB2 in model scale with STAR-CCM+. Overset mesh technology is used to simulate the body in six degrees of freedom. The simulation is controlled via a JAVA program. Appropriate proportional-integral-derivative (PID) gains are used to set and control the maneuvers. This study investigates the obtainment of certain coefficients through maneuvers in one plane.en1053-5381International journal of offshore and polar engineering20214395402BB2Free running CFDOverset meshPID controlRigid body simulationSTAR-CCM+UUVSimulation of free running maneuvers of unmanned underwater vehicles based on a cfd studyJournal Article10.17736/ijope.2021.jc830Journal Article