Heins, EvelynEvelynHeinsGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2019-09-102019-09-102017-01-18Computers and Geotechnics (86): 108-119 (2017-06-01)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/3336Distinctions of lateral loading behavior of vibrated and impact driven piles with respect to their influence on state variables of soils exist. Based on a field test simulations of horizontal load tests subsequent to the simulation of installation processes (vibrated and impact driven) are conducted. Soil behavior and horizontal displacement of the piles are investigated. Characteristics of pile installations as dynamic processes with large deformations and horizontal load tests as static processes have to be reproduced. A link to transfer results between CEL-method used for simulations of pile installations and classic FEM used for simulation of horizontal load tests is established.en0266-352XComputers and geotechnics2017108119ElsevierCEL - Coupled-Eulerian-Lagrangian MethodFEM - Finite Element MethodHorizontal load testHypoplasticityNumerical simulationPile installationGeowissenschaftenTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenClass-A-prediction of lateral pile deformation with respect to vibratory and impact pile drivingJournal Article10.1016/j.compgeo.2017.01.007Other