Hanif, Muhammad KashifMuhammad KashifHanifZimmermann, Karl-HeinzKarl-HeinzZimmermannAnees, AsadAsadAnees2022-04-052022-04-052022-02-09Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (7): 9549-9566 (2022-03-01)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12205Bipartite graphs are used to model and represent many real-world problems in biological and physical sciences. Finding shortest paths in bipartite graphs is an important task and has numerous applications. Different dynamic programming based solutions to find the shortest paths exists which differ on complexity and structure of graph. The computational complexity of these algorithms is a major concern. This work formulates the parallel versions of Floyd-Warshall and Torgasin-Zimmermann algorithms to compute the shortest paths in bipartite graphs efficiently. These algorithms are mapped to graphics processing unit using tropical matrix product. The performance for different realizations and parameters are compared for Floyd-Warshall and Torgasin-Zimmermann algorithms. Parallel implementation of Torgasin-Zimmermann algorithm attained a speed-up factor of almost 274 when compared with serial Floyd-Warshall algorithm for random-generated undirected graphs.en1573-7721Multimedia tools and applications2022795499566Springer Science + Business Media B.VBipartite graphsCUDAGraphics processing unitGraphsParallelizationShortest pathInformatikMathematikAccelerating all-pairs shortest path algorithms for bipartite graphs on graphics processing unitsJournal Article10.1007/s11042-022-12066-0Journal Article