Gardill, MarkusMarkusGardillFischer, GeorgGeorgFischerWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelKölpin, AlexanderAlexanderKölpin2020-07-092020-07-092013-08-14European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP: 6546684 (2013-08-14) present the design of a vehicle-roof-integrated wideband circular antenna array for industrial local positioning applications. The array is designed for Direction-of-Arrival estimation in a novel ultra-wideband secondary FMCW radar system operating in the 5 GHz-8 GHz frequency range. A novel size-reduced, mechanically robust, and application-ready monocone antenna with more than 120 % impedance bandwidth is proposed as basis element for array design, which allows for arbitrary array geometries based on a λlow/2 grid spacing. We show measurement results and the characterization of a four-element circular array.enAntenna ArrayMonocone AntennaUltra-WidebandDesign of an ultra-wideband monocone circular antenna array for vehicle-integrated industrial local positioning applicationsConference PaperOther