Ay, NihatNihatAy2022-11-152022-11-152015-04-21Entropy 17 (4): 2432-2458 (2015)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/14052Interdependencies of stochastically interacting units are usually quantified by the Kullback-Leibler divergence of a stationary joint probability distribution on the set of all configurations from the corresponding factorized distribution. This is a spatial approach which does not describe the intrinsically temporal aspects of interaction. In the present paper, the setting is extended to a dynamical version where temporal interdependencies are also captured by using information geometry of Markov chain manifolds.en1099-4300Entropy2015424322458MDPIComplexityInformation geometryKullback-leibler divergenceMarkov chainsRandom fieldsSeparabilityStochastic interactionInformatikMathematikInformation geometry on complexity and stochastic interactionJournal Article10.3390/e17042432Other