Gijzen, Martin Bastiaan vanMartin Bastiaan vanGijzenSleijpen, Gerard L. G.Gerard L. G.SleijpenZemke, Jens-Peter M.Jens-Peter M.Zemke2011-08-172011-08-172011-08666196621 give two important generalizations of the Induced Dimension Reduction (IDR) approach for the solution of linear systems. We derive a flexible and a multi-shift Quasi-Minimal Residual IDR (QMRIDR) variant. Numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness of these new IDR variants compared to existing ones and to other Krylov subspace methods.en VerfahrenInduzierte Dimensions-ReduktionIDRIDR(s)Krylov-Unterraum-VerfahrenIterative methodsIDRIDR(s)Krylov subspace methodslarge sparse nonsymmetric linear systemsMathematikFlexible and multi-shift induced dimension reduction algorithms for solving large sparse linear systemsPreprinturn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-1114010.15480/882.1019Krylov-VerfahrenLineare GleichungAngewandte MathematikIterative methods for linear systemsSparse matrices11420/102110.15480/882.1019930768368Preprint