Bartsch, KatharinaKatharinaBartschEmmelmann, ClausClausEmmelmann2022-01-062022-01-062022-03JOM 74 (3): 1126-1135 (2022-03) structures are essential to laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M). They sustain overhangs, prevent distortion, and dissipate process-induced heat. Their removal after manufacturing is required, though, increasing the overall costs. Therefore, optimization is important to increase the economic efficiency of PBF-LB/M. To enable optimization focused on the support structures’ costs, a cost model is developed. The whole production process, including the design, manufacturing, and post-processing of a part, is considered by deriving formulas for the individual costs. The cost model is applied to a previously developed benchmark procedure. Additionally, a case study investigating different support layout strategies is conducted.en1543-1851JOM2022311261135Springer Science + Business Media cost-based support structure optimization in laser powder bed fusion of metalsJournal Article10.15480/882.421910.1007/s11837-021-05055-510.15480/882.4219Journal Article