2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/15593A good understanding of floating offshore wind turbines is essential to decrease the uncertainties and risks – and thus the costs – of this very promising technology. The project “Validation, Measurement and Optimization of Floating Wind Energy” (VAMOS) addresses this challenge with a large-scale measurement campaign and a validation study. The knowledge gained will be used directly for the design of an improved turbine controller to enhance the dynamic behavior and reduce loads. In the long term, this will allow for lighter weight and cheaper turbine designsValidierung, Messung und Optimierung von schwimmenden Windenergiesystemen; Teilvorhaben: Erweiterung und Validierung einer Panelmethode zur Simulation des dynamischen Betriebsverhaltens schwimmender Windenergiesysteme