2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/34579SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY - Jorge Frade is Full Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, since 1996. He is currently member of the Council for Ethics and Deontology of the University of Aveiro. - He was educated as a chemical engineer (Coimbra University,1978), obtained his PhD in glass technology (Sheffield University,1983), and “agregação”/DSc in Materials Science & Engineering (Aveiro University, 1995). - He received the prize for Scientific Excellence from the Portuguese Science Foundation (2005) - He has published more than 300 SCI papers with ca 6500 citations (h-index 44), coordinated 20 funded projects, including 9 european, and supervised 20 post-docs and 15 PhDs. - He has been a member of assessment committees of research projects, grants (posdoc & PhD), assessment panels of PhD programs (A3Es), and many examinations of PhD thesis, in Portugal and also abroad. - He has been a regular referee for a variety of journals in materials science, chemistry and related areas. - SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS His initial research interests (early 80s) were mainly focused on glass refining, solid state reactions and crystallisation, including modelling. His interests were then changed to take a major emphasis on materials for energy conversions or storage. Still, his research activities were re-focused every decade since, to integrate a blending of different technologies in energy and environment, as summarized below: - Materials for solid oxide fuel cells and related processes, starting in the early 90s (present project HEALING and previous STRD/429/CTM/92, NANOCERIA/POCTI/CTM/39381/2001, ECOFUELS/CONC-REEQ/710/2001,ORIEL-PTDC/CTM-CER/118933/2010, FMRX-CT97-0130, MatSILC/STREP03341, OSSEP-ESF, EULANEST/066-SOCs) ; - Electrochemical sensors, 1990-2000 (projects STRD/429/CTM/92, PMCT/C/PMF/119/90); - Membranes for oxygen separation, seeking oxyfuel technologies or partial oxidation of methane to syngas, starting by 2000 (projects PRAXIS/P/CTM/14170/1998, INTAS #00276; NATO SfP978002) ; - Alternative CO2-lean technologies such as Fe-electrolysis, from 2004 (european projects ULCOS, IERO and SIDERWIN); - Heat storage, starting by 2010 (projects THERMICS and UFA+EE); - Thermoelectric materials for heat conversion, starting by 2015; - Processing of cellular materials for catalysis and energy, from 2013; - Catalytic conversion of fuels, including catalytic combustion to suppress pollutants in flue gases such as NOx, CO, VOCs,…, (projects LEANCOMB and catalytic oxygasification of biomass, from 2016 (projects NOTARGAS and SGH/Bosch); - Materials for integration of different renewable or waste energy sources (solar, biomass, heat) and corresponding processes (photovoltaics, electrolysis, fuel cells), started from 2017 (project SusPhotoSolutions); - Electrowining of metals from industrial residues, from 2017, (european project SIDERWIN) CURRENT TEAM: Aleksey Lisenkov (posdoc/project SIDERWIN); Isabel Antunes (Researcher, project NOTARGAS) Blanca Serrano (posdoc/project LEANCOMB), Sergii Sergienko (posdoc/project SUSPHOTOSOLUTIONS); Mourad Smari (posdoc/project SUSPHOTOSOLUTIONS) Alejandro Natoli (PhD student/FCT grant); Luís Ruivo (PhD student/FCT grant); Hortência Martinez Oliveira (junior research fellow/project NOTARGAS) Daniela Lopes (PhD student/project SIDERWIN); Eduardo Durana (junior researcher/project SIDERWIN); Rui Pinto (junior research fellow/project HEALING); Carlos Almeida (junior research fellow/project UFA+EE);Frade, Jorge