Khurat, AssadaratAssadaratKhuratSuntisrivaraporn, BoontaweeBoontaweeSuntisrivaraporn2022-03-252022-03-252011Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development : Paris, France, 26 - 29 October, 2011: [integrated in IC3K (International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management) / hosted by UPEC - Université Paris-Est Créteilt (): Seite 349-353 (2011) has become a crucial issue in the online services realm. P3P policy is a privacy policy enabling websites to express their privacy practices. With this policy, online users can check against their privacy preferences which facilitates the users to decide whether or not the service should be used. However, the interpretation of a P3P policy is unwieldy due to the lack of a precise semantics of its descriptions and constraints. For instance, it is admissible to have purpose and recipient values that have inconsistent meaning. Thus, there is a need for an explicit formal semantics for P3P policy to mitigate this problem. In this paper, we propose to use an OWL ontology to systematically and precisely describe the structures and constraints inherent in the P3P specification. Additional constraints are also defined and incorporated into the ontology in such a way that the reasons of an invalid P3P policy can be disclosed after the verification done by an OWL reasoner.enOntologyP3P policySemantic webInformatikTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenAn ontological approach to verifying p3p policiesConference PaperOther