Hamann, ThorbenThorbenHamannGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2020-08-102020-08-102013Challenges and innovations in geotechnics : proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering : Paris 2013 / edited by/sous la direction de Pierre Delage, Jacques Desrues, Roger Frank, Alain Puech, François Schlosser ; CFMS, ISSMGE. - Paris : Presses des Ponts. - Vol. 1 (2013). - Seite 719-722http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6998The influence of vibratory driving on the surrounding soil is difficult to predict due to complex mechanical processes in the soil. Effects like soil compaction, subsidence or a temporary reduction of the soil's shear strength can occur as a result of the dynamic loading. In case of water saturated soil additional effects like excess pore water pressure or soil liquefaction can occur. When driving piles in the area of embankments these effects can cause great deformations of the embankment and the driven pile. In this paper the lateral drift of a sheet pile wall due to the installation process in the area of an embankment is simulated by use of the finite element method using a coupled 2-phase approach to consider the development of excess pore water pressure and the resulting effects. The deformation mechanism and the mechanical processes in the soil are investigated. Further the calculated deformations of the sheet pile are compared to measurement data. A comparison of the results of a fully drained analysis and a coupled analysis considering the development of excess pore water pressure is done.Finite element methodInstallation processSoil liquefactionTwo-phase approachWater saturated soilPhysikGeowissenschaftenIngenieurwissenschaftenHausbau, BauhandwerkNumerical investigations on vibratory sheet piling in embankments using a multi-phase materialConference PaperConference Paper