Dede, JensJensDedeFörster, AnnaAnnaFörsterHernández-Orallo, EnriqueEnriqueHernández-OralloHerrera-Tapia, JorgeJorgeHerrera-TapiaKuladinithi, KoojanaKoojanaKuladinithiKuppusamy, VishnupriyaVishnupriyaKuppusamyManzoni, PietroPietroManzoniMuslim, Anas binAnas binMuslimUdugama, AsangaAsangaUdugamaVatandas, ZeynepZeynepVatandas2019-03-142019-03-142018IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2 (20): 1547-1573 (2018) is one of the most powerful tools we have for evaluating the performance of Opportunistic Networks. In this survey, we focus on available tools and models, compare their performance and precision and experimentally show the scalability of different simulators. We also perform a gap analysis of state-of-the-art Opportunistic Network simulations and sketch out possible further development and lines of research. This survey is targeted at students starting work and research in this area while also serving as a valuable source of information for experienced researchers.en1553-877XIEEE communications surveys & tutorials2018215471573Computer Science - Networking and Internet ArchitectureSimulating Opportunistic Networks: Survey and Future DirectionsJournal Article10.1109/COMST.2017.27821821712.01905v2Other