2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/24029Prof. Krzysztof S. Kulpa received his M. Sc., Ph.D. and Dr Sc. degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in 1982, 1987 and 2009 respectively. In 2014 he obtained the title of State Professor, granted by the President of Poland. From 1985 to 1988 he worked at the Institute of Electronic Fundamentals, WUT, and in the years 1988-1990 he was Associate Professor at the Electrical Department of the Technical University of BiaƂystok. In the period 1990-2005 he worked as a scientific consultant in WZR RAWAR. Since 1990 he has been Professor at the Institute of Electronic Systems (WUT). In years 1995-2014 he was the head of the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory and since 2008 he has been the head of Radar Technology Research Group at WUT. Since 2011 he has held the position of Scientific Director of the Defense and Security Research Center of the Warsaw University of Technology. His research interests are in the digital signal processing area, particularly radar signal processing and radar technology. Since 1985 he have worked on 2D and 3D maneuvering target tracking and data fusion for Air Defense. Since 1992 he has been working on maritime patrol radar problems, the detection of small sea targets from airborne platforms. At the present moment his main interest in radar imaging and novel radar technologies such as noise and passive radars, sparse processing and cognitive radars. Hi is a member of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication at the Polish Academy of Science, IEEE (SM), EUMA and AOC. In 2002 he organized and chair Polish Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and 2008-2012 was vice chairman of the Joint Chapter AP/AES/MTT Poland Section. Presently, he is a member of IEEE AESS Radar Panel. He is also chair of URSI Poland Section Commission F : Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing since 2012.Kulpa, Krzysztof