Ramirez, NathaliaNathaliaRamirezZámbó, DánielDánielZámbóSardella, FabianaFabianaSardellaKißling, PatrickPatrickKißlingSchlosser, AnjaAnjaSchlosserGraf, Rebecca T.Rebecca T.GrafPluta, DenisDenisPlutaDeiana, CristinaCristinaDeianaBigall, Nadja C.Nadja C.Bigall2024-02-202024-02-202021-05-25Advanced materials interfaces 8 (12): e02100310 (2021)https://hdl.handle.net/11420/45836In order to implement a sustainable approach in the development of carbonaceous materials with improved capacitive properties, the development of Pd-doped cellulose carbon aerogels (CA-PdX) is presented. Upon introducing Pd nanoparticles to the carbonaceous matrix prior to the gel formation, carbon aerogels with various Pd content are prepared. Physicochemical properties (such as texture, morphology, crystal structure, and surface chemistry) of CA-PdX are revealed. Additionally, a comparative analysis in their electrochemical properties is performed to shed light on the effect of Pd incorporated into the matrices. It is found that Pd-doping leads to the significant enhancement of power and energy densities (2.9-fold and 55-fold, respectively) compared to those of carbon aerogel without doping (CA-Blank). The straightforward preparation method as well as the powerful control over the structure and composition pave the way toward the utilization of these hybrid materials in energy storage applications.en2196-7350Advanced materials interfaces202112WileyChemistryPd‐doped cellulose carbon aerogels for energy storage applicationsJournal Article10.1002/admi.202100310Journal Article