Latus, SarahSarahLatusGriese, FlorianFlorianGrieseGräser, MatthiasMatthiasGräserMöddel, MartinMartinMöddelSchlüter, MatthiasMatthiasSchlüterOtte, ChristophChristophOtteGessert, NilsNilsGessertSaathoff, ThoreThoreSaathoffKnopp, TobiasTobiasKnoppSchlaefer, AlexanderAlexanderSchlaefer2019-04-262019-04-262018Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE (10573): 105732E (2018) Particle Imaging (MPI) is a tracer-based tomographic non-ionizing imaging method providing fully three-dimensional spatial information at a high temporal resolution without any limitation in penetration depth. One challenge for current preclinical MPI systems is its modest spatial resolution in the range of 1 mm - 5 mm. Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IVOCT) on the other hand, has a very high spatial and temporal resolution, but it does not provide an accurate 3D positioning of the IVOCT images. In this work, we will show that MPI and OCT can be combined to reconstruct an accurate IVOCT volume. A center of mass trajectory is estimated from the MPI data as a basis to reconstruct the poses of the IVOCT images. The feasibility of bimodal IVOCT and MPI imaging is demonstrated with a series of 3D printed vessel phantoms.enTowards bimodal intravascular OCT MPI volumetric imagingConference Paper10.1117/12.2293497Other