Henke, SaschaSaschaHenkeGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2022-09-092022-09-092011Bautechnik 88 (8): 530-537 (2011)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13564Quay walls in northern Germany are often constructed as pile grillages. In these constructions first the inclined piles are installed. Afterwards, directly next to these piles vertical piles are driven such that these vertical piles influence the before installed inclined piles. In this contribution, in-situ measurements to investigate the influence of the installation of intersecting piles on inclined piles are presented. As already published during the construction of the container terminal CT4 in Bremerhaven dynamic measurments have been conducted investigating the accelerations at the inclined pile due to the vertical pile installation. In the framework of the enhancement of the third berth of the Predöhlkai in Hamburg, this measurement programme has been expanded by measurement of strains in the anchor axis, of total and pore water pressures at the flanges of the anchor and measurements of the deflection of the flap-anchors. The results of the measurements are discussed with respect to the mechanisms which lead to the measured deflections of inclined piles due the installation of intersecting vertical piles in quay wall constructions. Copyright © 2011 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin.de1437-0999Bautechnik20118530537ErnstGeotechnical enigneeringHydraulic engineering/Damssoil mechanicsGeowissenschaftenIngenieurwissenschaftenHausbau, BauhandwerkZur Beanspruchung von Schrägankern infolge des Herstellvorganges bei als Wasserbaustelle hergestellten KaianlagenOn the loading of inclined piles at quay walls constructed as water building sites due to construction works]Journal Article10.1002/bate.201101486Other