Birk, ClemensClemensBirkAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbersMuschik, SabineSabineMuschikBursac, NikolaNikolaBursac2024-05-282024-05-282016-1014. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2016: (2016)978-3-8440-4732-5 order to address market expectations to offer a varied product portfolio, more and more companies introduce a modular design to provide the required external diversity and keep the internal diversity as well as the overall complexity within manageable boundaries. Besides organizational adjustments, established processes and structures need to be adapted and new methods have to be introduced. To do so, controlling needs evaluation systematics that respect the particularities of construction kits. Therefore this study introduces a rating methodology which acknowledges these requirements. With respect to system theory the systematic allows to review the overall construction kit as well as individualdeSocial Sciences::330: EconomicsSystematik zur Bewertung von Baukästen am Beispiel eines WerkzeugmaschinenherstellersConference PaperConference Paper