Ernst, SebastianSebastianErnstWeltin, UweUweWeltinFlamm, MartinMartinFlamm2021-10-182021-10-182015Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR IX, 2015. - Hoboken, NJ, 2015. - Pp. 61-68 (2015) many applications rubber parts have to withstand thermal and mechanical loads. While the demanded service temperatures increase, the parts are sooner or later operated near their aging limit. Rubber parts aged beyond their thermal aging limit are incapable of surviving any relevant mechanical load. Fatigue tests show that the fatigue strength can increase significantly before finally dropping towards the aging limit. For parts failing near their aging limit, a sequential aging scheme with one thermal aging phase and one fatigue phase can vastly skew lifetime estimations. It is shown that in these cases an alternating aging scheme is more suitable. With an aging parameter describing the severity of an age state, thermal load spectra can be considered during lifetime estimations. Moreover the fatigue strength of an exemplary natural rubber compound is displayed in a novel diagram showing the fatigue strength for various age states.enTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenLifetime estimation of NR under thermal and mechanical loadsConference Paper10.1201/b18701-12Other