Hünting, JanJanHüntingMaiwald, Maria IsabelleMaria IsabelleMaiwaldMichael, JochenJochenMichaelEmmelmann, ClausClausEmmelmannRöver, TimTimRöverCrego Lozares, Jose ManuelJose ManuelCrego Lozares2023-06-232023-06-232023-06-23http://hdl.handle.net/11420/15472The goal of this work was to develop a tool that allows users with little experience to manufacture components with efficient support structures using PBF-LB/M. Tree shaped structures were used and created via algorithmic, biological growth using botanical methods. TO was used to optimize the support structures. The generated trees were then compared to two commercially available supports using FEA to simulate the whole PBF-LB/M process including a stress relief heat treatment and the removal of the part from build plate and supports. The data is supplementary material to the publication with the title " Development of a tree-support software module for PBF-LB/M " of the conference Laser in Manufacturing (LiM) 2023, 26 - 29 July 2023, Munich/Germany.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/IngenieurwissenschaftenIndustrielle FertigungSupplementary material to publication with title: Development of a tree-support software module for PBF-LB/MDataset10.15480/336.520710.15480/336.520710.15480/336.265810.15480/336.5207.2CENIT AGResearchData