Fritz, BenjaminBenjaminFritzSampaio, GilGilSampaioBessa, Ricardo J.Ricardo J.Bessa2023-11-222023-11-222023-06IEEE Belgrade PowerTech (2023)9781665487788 voltage (LV) grids face a challenge of effectively managing the growing presence of new loads like electric vehicles and heat pumps, along with the equally growing installation of rooftop photovoltaic panels. This paper describes practical applications of sensitivity factors, extracted from smart meter data (i.e., without resorting to grid models), to i) link voltage problems to different costumers/devices and their location in the grid, ii) manage the flexibility provided by distributed energy resources (DERs) to regulate voltage, and iii) assess favorable locations for DER capacity extensions, all with the aim of supporting the decision-making process of distribution system operators (DSOs) and the design of incentives for customers to invest in DERs. The methods are tested by running simulations based on historical meter data on six grid models provided by the EU-Joint Research Center. The results prove that it is feasible to implement advanced LV grid analysis and management tools despite the typical limitations in its electrical and topological characterisation, while avoiding the use of computationally heavy tools such as optimal power flows.enDistributed energy resourcesflexibilitylow voltagesensitivity factorssmart metersvoltage controlTechnologyNatural Resources, Energy and EnvironmentData-driven assessment of the der flexibility impact on the LV grid managementConference Paper10.1109/PowerTech55446.2023.10202676Conference Paper