Pilz, UlfUlfPilzPopov, AndreyAndreyPopovWerner, HerbertHerbertWerner2023-02-082023-02-082011IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1) : 7432-7437 (2011)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/14765This paper extends an previously proposed information flow filter approach to cooperative vehicle control to guarantee stability of a vehicle formation under arbitrary communication topologies. A systematic design technique for this information flow filter is the main contribution of this work. For this purpose an alternative interpretation of a separation theorem that allows the independent design of the information flow filter and the controllers for the vehicles is presented. The advantages of this approach are illustrated in simulation studies. © 2011 IFAC.en1474-6670IFAC Proceedings Volumes2011174327437Autonomous systemsCooperative controlDistributed controlMulti-agent systemsRobust stabilityTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenAn information flow filter approach to cooperative vehicle controlConference Paper10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01102Other