Sommer, AndréAndréSommerHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrichAntonyuk, SergiySergiyAntonyuk2022-10-192022-10-192008-059th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, CFB 2008, in Conjunction with the 4th International VGB Workshop on Operating Experience with Fluidized Bed Firing Systems (2008) the fluidized bed granulation the influence of process parameters on the material properties of the granules have been studied. A decreasing strength of the products with rising binder content in the injected liquid was found. On the other hand an increased binder content leads to a better granulation. Furthermore, it was shown that the retention time of the particles in the fluidized bed has an influence on the strength of the product, especially during the first minutes of fluidization. The moisture content of the granules in the case of this fluidized bed spray granulation seems to be negligible. In spite of different liquid injection rates, the moisture content of the particles was very dry (<< 1 mass-%).enParticle formulation by means of fluidized bed granulation: Influence of the process parameters on the material properties of the granulesConference PaperOther