Datar, AdwaitAdwaitDatarHespe, ChristianChristianHespeWerner, HerbertHerbertWerner2024-11-282024-11-282024-08-08IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 70 (1): 557-564 (2025) study cooperative control dynamics with gradient based forcing terms. As a specific example, we focus on source-seeking dynamics with vehicles embedded in an unknown scalar field with a subset of agents having gradient information. We consider time-invariant and uncertain interaction potentials common in formation control and flocking. We leverage the framework of α -integral quadratic constraints to obtain convergence rate estimates whenever exponential stability can be achieved. Sufficient conditions take the form of linear matrix inequalities independent of the size of network. A derivation (purely in time-domain) of the so-called hard Zames-Falb α -IQCs involving general non-causal higher order multipliers is given along with a suitably adapted parameterization of the multipliers to the α -IQC setting. Numerical examples illustrate the application of theoretical results.en1558-2523IEEE transactions on automatic control20241557564IEEEcooperative control | Costs | Formation control | Heuristic algorithms | linear matrix inequalities | Optimization | robust control | Trajectory | Vectors | Vehicle dynamicsComputer Science, Information and General Works::004: Computer SciencesNatural Sciences and Mathematics::510: MathematicsRobust performance analysis of cooperative control dynamics via integral quadratic constraintsJournal Article10.1109/TAC.2024.3440840Journal Article