Gaafar, Mahmoud AbdelazizMahmoud AbdelazizGaafarHoltorf, JannikJannikHoltorfEich, ManfredManfredEichPetrov, AlexanderAlexanderPetrov2021-11-292021-11-292021-05Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) generated refractive index fronts in waveguides can change the signal frequency and wavenumber leading to the indirect transitions. Here, we discuss how dynamic light stopping and pulse time reversal can be implemented in dispersive waveguides via these transitions. Our scheme, in contrast to previous concepts of light stopping and time reversal, is not limited by a strict phase matching condition and does not require local index variations, thus, can manipulate broadband signals in a single step process. The presented results are experimentally feasible using existing photonic waveguides technologies.enLight stopping by reflection from a moving index frontConference PaperOther