Beuße, JannikJannikBeußeGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2021-08-182021-08-182021-09Bautechnik 98 (9): 640-649 (2021-09) studies on the influences of the driving process of steel piles on positional accuracy based on a substitute model. During quay wall construction, the accurate installation of the king piles is of importance and thus highly challenging concerning the installation of the intermediate piles of combined steel sheet piles. The double-T piles have a low bending stiffness around the weak axis and a lower torsional stiffness than steel tubular piles due to their profile shape. As a result, the king piles tend to deform if not installed properly. So far, the complex dynamic interaction of the installation device, its device parameters, the king piles and the soil are not sufficiently considered to accurately predict the required pile driving guidance. For this purpose, a substitute model is created based on metrologically determined pile-soil interaction parameters, which can represent the installation of a king pile. Eventually, the present investigation enables the determination of individual influencing parameters, such as the inclination of the impact hammer, the inclination of the king pile, its imperfections as well as different pile guides.de0932-8351Bautechnik20219640649combined wallsexecution of construction worksGeotechnical engineeringinstallation processking pilessoil-structure-interactionSteel constructionErsatzmodell zur Untersuchung der Einflüsse der Installation von Stahlträgern auf die LagegenauigkeitJournal Article10.1002/bate.202100035Other