Schmutzler, HenrikHenrikSchmutzlerSato, NarumichiNarumichiSatoGarcia, AlejandroAlejandroGarciaSchütt, MartinMartinSchüttWittich, HansHansWittichNishikawa, MasaakiMasaakiNishikawaRohling, HermannHermannRohlingHojo, MasakiMasakiHojoSchulte, KarlKarlSchulte2020-08-102020-08-102013International Conference on Composite Materials 2013 : (ICCM-19) ; Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 28 July - 2 August 2013 / [organized by Canadian Association for Composite Structures and Materials (CACSMA)]. Ed.: Suong Van Hoa. - Red Hook, NY : Curran. - Vol. 6 (2013). - Seite 4224-4231 limitsNon-destructive testingPulse phase thermographyThermographyChemieIngenieurwissenschaftenThe influence of delamination opening in carbon fibre/epoxy laminates on signal characteristics of pulse phase thermographyConference PaperOther