Janßen, Christian FriedrichChristian FriedrichJanßenÜberrück, MichaMichaÜberrückRung, ThomasThomasRungBehruzi, PhilippPhilippBehruzi2020-03-232020-03-232016Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2016-January): 843-850 (2016)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/5459This contribution addresses the efficient numerical simulation of wave impact on the side walls of two-dimensional containers. For the flow field calculations, an efficient Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is used. Whilst modeling essentially similar physics as classical continuum mechanics procedures, LBM features a number of performance-related advantages, particularly concerning data locality and parallel computing. For the numerical analysis of wave impact, a single-phase model is employed. The model tracks the free surface with a conventional VOF technique and represents the aerodynamics by proper kinematic and dynamic free surface boundary conditions at the phase interface. The numerical simulations are conducted with the GPU-accelerated free-surface flow solver ELBE. Thanks to the high efficiency of the numerical method and the GPU implementation, the sloshing behavior can be predicted in (or near) real-time, including impact pressure details. In this contribution, the numerical results will be discussed in detail, including a series of 2D validation cases. Limitations of the free-surface model and potential extensions to fully-resolved air-phase dynamics will be discussed.enELBEImpact pressureLBMTank sloshingTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenReal-time simulation of impact waves in LNG ship tanks with Lattice Boltzmann single-phase modelsConference PaperOther