Strahl, ErikErikStrahlKerzel, MatthiasMatthiasKerzelEppe, ManfredManfredEppeGriffiths, SaschaSaschaGriffithsWermter, StefanStefanWermter2022-04-252022-04-252018-10IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2018 present an illustrative example of an interactive auditory perception approach performed by a humanoid robot called NICO, the Neuro Inspired COmpanion [1]. The video demonstrates a material classification task in the style of a classic TV game show. NICO and another candidate are supposed to determine the content of small plastic capsules that are visually indistinguishable. Shaking the capsules produces audio signals that range from rattling stones, over tinkling coins to swooshing sand. NICO can perceive and analyze these sounds to determine the material of the capsule's content.enHear the Egg - Demonstrating Robotic Interactive Auditory PerceptionConference Paper10.1109/IROS.2018.8593959Conference Paper