Bodirsky, ManuelManuelBodirskyMartin, BarnabyBarnabyMartinMottet, AntoineAntoineMottet2022-03-242022-03-242018-02Journal of the ACM 65 (2): 9 (2018-02) discrete temporal constraint satisfaction problem is a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) over the set of integers whose constraint language consists of relations that are first-order definable over the order of the integers. We prove that every discrete temporal CSP is in P or NP-complete, unless it can be formulated as a finite domain CSP, in which case the computational complexity is not known in general.en1557-735XJournal of the ACM20182Discrete linear ordersEndomorphismsIntegersPolymorphismsPresburger arithmeticSuccessor relationDiscrete temporal constraint satisfaction problemsConference Paper10.1145/3154832Other