Schütt, MartinMartinSchüttWittich, HansHansWittichNußbäumer, FrankFrankNußbäumerSchulte, KarlKarlSchulteFiedler, BodoBodoFiedler2022-05-302022-05-302014-0616th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014: (2014) experimental study presents a detailed study on the failure mechanisms of a CFRP single-lap shear joint under cyclic loading conditions. The joint consists of two laminate plates and two CFRP fasteners with countersunk heads. Based on the investigations of this experimental work, the failure mechanisms in cyclic loading of the CFRP-fastener can be described. Further test with different parameter configurations show their influence on the failure process of the joint.enClamping forceComposite bolted jointsCountersunk head CFRP-fastenersFitting toleranceTechnikInverstigation on the failure mechanism of composite fasteners with countersunk head in fatigue loadingConference PaperOther