Steudel, BastianBastianSteudelAy, NihatNihatAy2022-11-152022-11-152015-04-16Entropy 17 (4): 2304-2327 (2015) directed acyclic graph (DAG) partially represents the conditional independence structure among observations of a system if the local Markov condition holds, that is if every variable is independent of its non-descendants given its parents. In general, there is a whole class of DAGs that represents a given set of conditional independence relations. We are interested in properties of this class that can be derived from observations of a subsystem only. To this end, we prove an information-theoretic inequality that allows for the inference of common ancestors of observed parts in any DAG representing some unknown larger system. More explicitly, we show that a large amount of dependence in terms of mutual information among the observations implies the existence of a common ancestor that distributes this information. Within the causal interpretation of DAGs, our result can be seen as a quantitative extension of Reichenbach's principle of common cause to more than two variables. Our conclusions are valid also for non-probabilistic observations, such as binary strings, since we state the proof for an axiomatized notion of "mutual information" that includes the stochastic as well as the algorithmic version.1099-4300Entropy2015423042327MDPIBayesian netsCausalityCommon cause principleDirected acyclic graphsInformation theoryKolmogorov complexityMutual informationInformatikMathematikInformation-theoretic inference of common ancestorsJournal Article10.3390/e17042304Other