Kityk, Andriy V.Andriy V.KitykHuber, PatrickPatrickHuberAndrushchak, AnatoliyAnatoliyAndrushchakKula, PrzemyslawPrzemyslawKulaPiecek, WiktorWiktorPiecek2019-07-112019-07-112018-04-1014th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2018 - Proceedings (2018-April): 492-496 (2018-04-10) demonstrate an application of retardation-modulation polarimetry in studies of nanocomposite materials. Molecular ordering is explored on both nonchiral and chiral liquid crystals (LCs) in the bulk state and embedded into parallel-arrays of cylindrical channels of alumina or silica membranes of different channel sizes (12-42 nm). Two arms polarimetry serves for simultaneous measurements of the birefringence retardation and optical activity characterizing, respectively, orientational molecular ordering and chiral structuring inside nanochannels.enApplication of retardation-modulation polarimetry in studies of nanocomposite materialsConference Paper10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336248Other