Knorr, KlausKlausKnorrWallacher, DirkDirkWallacherHuber, PatrickPatrickHuberSoprunyuk, ViktorViktorSoprunyukAckermann, RalfRalfAckermann2022-07-152022-07-152003-09-01European Physical Journal E 12 (1): 51-56 (2003-09-01) short review of our thermodynamic and structural work on Ar, N 2, CO, O2, and the n-alkane C19H40 in mesoporous glasses is presented. The experimental information comes from X-ray diffraction, vapour pressure isotherms, optical transmission, heat capacity, and dielectric measurements. The filling in the pore centre formed by capillary condensation is distinguished from the adsorbed layers on the pore walls and is compared to the bulk state. Special attention is paid to metastable states and to the rearrangement of partial fillings that show up as a consequence of phase transitions.en1292-895XThe European physical journal E200315156SpringerPhysikAre solidified fillings of mesopores basically bulk-like except for the geometric confinement?Conference Paper10.1140/epje/i2003-10025-7Other