Bode, CarstenCarstenBodeSchmitz, GerhardGerhardSchmitz2020-08-122020-08-122018-03International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2018) the success of the energy transition, coupling of different energy sectors is inevitable. The extreme case of a generic energy system consisting of power, heat and gas consumers supplied with 100% renewables is analyzed here. To find the most cost-effective system configuration, different combinations of storage and conversion technologies are compared by performing dynamic simulations over a period of a year and evaluating the average cost over a year. The renewable power production is modeled employing real generation curves and the installed power for each technology is extrapolated using the German energy system framework. For the demand side, final energy curves for power, heat and gas demand are created. The gas demand comes only from the industry which uses hydrocarbons as a product in processes and for high temperature process heat. The components of the energy system, e.g. storage and conversion technologies are modeled using the equation-based open-source Modelica® library TransiEnt Library. The comparison is started by analyzing extreme scenarios, e.g. All-Electric or All-Gas with Power-to-Gas with reconversion to power and heat, to obtain the boundaries of the solution interval. To find the optimal configuration within this interval, different combinations of power (compressed air energy storage (CAES), battery, pump storage), heat (hot water storage) and gas storage (underground storage) technologies as well as conversion technologies, i.e. Power-to-Gas (electrolyzer with methanation), Power-to-Heat (electric heat pump, electric boiler), Gas-to-Heat (gas boiler, gas heat pump), Gas-to-Power (gas turbine, combined cycle gas turbine), are then simulated. The results show that an extreme energy system configuration where all services are supplied by either power or gas are technically possible but not economic. In the case of All-Gas it is not even ecologically feasible due to the limited technical potential of the renewables. A combination of Power-to-Gas with combined cycle gas turbines, electric heat pumps, a lithium-ion battery and pump storage is the option with the lowest cost. Using a CAES instead of the battery or adding a CAES to the battery does not lower the cost.enCoupled Energy SystemDynamic Simulation100% RenewablesCost OptimizationIngenieurwissenschaftenDynamic simulation and comparison of different configurations for a coupled energy system with 100 % renewablesConference PaperOther