Meluzov, NikolajNikolajMeluzovRost, RobertRobertRostFriedewald, AxelAxelFriedewald2020-11-302020-11-30202019th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT 2020) ensure the technical availability of machines and equipment on board, maintenance and repair processes must be fast and error-free. In order to improve productivity for both on-board personnel and service technicians of the plant manufacturers, an Augmented Reality ecosystem has been developed thatsupports the preparation, execution and post-processing of maintenancetaskswith targeted software modules. These include the use of the maintenance history, which is made available viaanonline backend, support for diagnostic findings, the display of maintenance instructions, feedback of adjustment values and documentation of the work, including storage in a digital twin. The potential estimation of industrial users showed time savings of up to 60% per maintenance actionenHolistic Maintenance Support with a Digital Assistance SystemConference Paper