Walter, BenjaminBenjaminWalterRitzer, KatharinaKatharinaRitzerBursac, NikolaNikolaBursacAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbers2023-09-042023-09-042018-0512th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2018)978-94-6186-910-4 to globalisation and digitalization, locally distributed teams in product development became a matter of fact. In contrast to conventional teams, locally distributed teams in product development face additional technological, organisational and social challenges which result in non-transparent project courses and team performances. These conditions lead to new demands of a methodology to support the project stakeholders during the project. This paper presents a project monitoring tool that respects the singularities of distributed teams in product generation engineering by considering the stakeholders’ requirements to ensure an effective project course. The requirements are identified in workshops with representatives of the different project stakeholders and are implemented afterwards in a weekly conducted project survey. To achieve a stakeholder specific data supply, an automated data preparation is generated to provide the surveyed information in a project cockpit where the stakeholders can insight their respective required information. The evaluation of the conducted project survey shows that the format as well as the handling is consistently evaluated positive. The time expenditure for taking part in the survey is mainly estimated as suitable or low what lead to the opportunity to expand the survey.enA Project Monitoring Methodology for distributed Product Generation EngineeringConference PaperConference Paper