Sabra, WaelWaelSabraGroeger, ChristinChristinGroegerSharma, Pratyush NidhiPratyush NidhiSharmaZeng, An-PingAn-PingZeng2021-07-282021-07-282014-03-02Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98 (9): 4267-4276 (2014) kinetics of growth, acid and solvent production in batch culture of Clostridium pasteurianum DSMZ 525 were examined in mixed or mono-substrate fermentations. In pH-uncontrolled batch cultures, the addition of butyric acid or glucose significantly enhanced n-butanol production and the ratio of butanol/1,3-propanediol. In pH-controlled batch culture at pH = 6, butyric acid addition had a negative effect on growth and did not lead to a higher n-butanol productivity. On the other hand, mixed substrate fermentation using glucose and glycerol enhanced the growth and acid production significantly. Glucose limitation in the mixed substrate fermentation led to the reduction or inhibition of the glycerol consumption by the growing bacteria. Therefore, for the optimal growth and n-butanol production by C. pasteurianum, a limitation of either substrate should be avoided. Under optimized batch conditions, n-butanol concentration and maximum productivity achieved were 21 g/L, and 0.96 g/L × h, respectively. In comparison, mixed substrate fermentation using biomass hydrolysate and glycerol gave a n-butanol concentration of 17 g/L with a maximum productivity of 1.1 g/L × h. In terms of productivity and final n-butanol concentration, the results demonstrated that C. pasteurianum DSMZ 525 is well suitable for n-butanol production from mixed substrates of biomass hydrolysate and glycerol and represents an alternative promising production strain. © 2014 The Author(s).en1432-0614Applied microbiology and biotechnology2014942674276SpringerABE fermentationButanol productionClostridium pasteurianumMixed substrate fermentationBiowissenschaften, BiologieImproved n-butanol production by a non-acetone producing Clostridium pasteurianum DSMZ 525 in mixed substrate fermentationJournal Article10.1007/s00253-014-5588-824584460Other