Rückwald, TobiasTobiasRückwaldHeld, AlexanderAlexanderHeldSeifried, RobertRobertSeifried2023-10-062023-10-062023-07-2811th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics (MULTIBODY 2023)978-989-53599-3-6https://hdl.handle.net/11420/43598A rather new approach for detailed impact simulations in flexible multibody systems is based on reduced isogeometric analysis (IGA) models. A precise impact simulation requires an accurate representation of the deformation in the contact area, which can be obtained using the Craig-Bampton method for model reduction. However, the resulting equations of motion are numerically stiff and therefore computationally expensive to solve. In literature, a quasistatic contact model for isoparametric elements has been proposed to reduce the numerical stiffness. It neglects the dynamics of the local deformations in the contact area. This work applies this quasistatic contact model to the IGA model within the floating frame of reference approach. In the application example, the impact of two flexible double pendulums is simulated. This setup includes large rigid body motions and small elastic deformations.encontactflexible multibody systemIGAimpactquasistaticPhysicsEngineering and Applied OperationsA quasistatic contact model for impact analysis in flexible multibody systems based on IGAConference Paperhttps://multibody2023.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/~multibody2023.daemon/prog_MULTIBODY_WEB/MULTIBODY2023_PAPERS/ID_133_495_ECCOMAS_MBD_2023_Proceeding_Rueckwald.pdfConference Paper